Hello hello!
Happy hump day! I'm back with another round of What's in Season? for this week's #APRflowerEd. Spring is just busting with some beautiful, beautiful blooms and so this season is going to be great to report on! I've mentioned this before but I'll keep reminding you that the flowers I present can be available in other seasons as well, or only for a short period within a season. I'm just giving you an idea of what's currently available :). I'm also mostly diving into the natural season of cut flowers/foliage as greenhouse grown and imports can also bring in flowers to Australia that aren't a part of our natural season.
With that said, here are this week's five beautiful fleurs:

Don't forget that you can pin this to Pinterest and save my Instagram post to a folder on Insta. Another thing I forgot that you can do is follow a hashtag. So you can follow #APRflowerEd and it'll mean you can easily refer to what I've shared about flower education that way. Have a fantastic week rest of the week and fingers crossed for another glorious weekend!
xo rose